Grandmaster Kyong H. Kim Publishes Olympic Taekwondo Textbook


Grandmaster Kyong Hoon Kim recently authored a new book entitled “Olympic Taekwondo”. This book is designed to teach beginners and intermediate levels, the basics of sparring warmups, kicks, punches, and stances. The emphasis in this book is that Taekwondo techniques can be described more than just as an artistic sport, but also with scientific explanations, practices and descriptions. The book is a manual describing with illustrations and descriptions how to warmup. The book is divided into eight sections. The first being the introduction with a history of Taekwondo. The second section shows how to warmup before doing techniques. The third section shows basic techniques and their applications. These include stances, strikes, blocks and kicks. The fourth section has theTae Geuk forms one through eight. Section five is a reportoire of various target drills for practicing kicking techniques with a partner. The sixth section shows various step techniques to be used while sparring. In the seventh section sparring is illustrated with not only counter attacks, but also initial attacks. The last section is the list of rules for the World Taekwondo Federation.